Optimal? May be…

I guess for some people this is indeed the “Optimal” thing, the clear approval, the nod, the perfect signal to indicate they are doing it right. George Soros, Michael Moore come to mind as some of those that might be included on that list, but, for the majority of Americans it’s not funny, for most of us this is almost a put off point.

The timing of the endorsement is almost suspicious too, many analytical minds will speculate about the real reasons the three so called “leaders” are pronouncing their votes at this time. A question lingers in mind.. would they benefit better from an accommodating Obama than from a “Peace by Strength” advocate such a president Romney? Their leadership position, the continuation of that position into the future has proven many times in history to be much more attainable if there is a strong adversary to talk about. This endorsement might actually be looking for the opposite effect.


FACT: Not optimal – Chavez, Castro, Putin all endorse Obama


Three dictators all endorse the man running for presidency of the USA known to us by the name Barack Obama. The latest [dictator] to publicly announce his support for the commander-in-chief’s reelection bid The piece goes on to ask: “Will Obama stand up against Putin’s abuses?” Unlikely, now that the Russian dictator has extended his endorsement. Read more: Here


The Obama Camp has been trying to block the publication of the story, although considering the campaign for 2008 was hit also by a similar one almost at the end and (nothing happened) they might want to reconsider and let the little scandal rattle  the opposition on its own merits, since his base will not pay attention. It would be plain wishful thinking to expect anything else given the array of more important, potentially devastating subjects in Obama’s history that they chose to pass on. The legal aspects of the donor story are something different. It could be a hard blow.

    News Found In Washington Examiner

Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


(Washington Examiner) President Obama reelection campaign, rattled by his Wednesday night debate performance, could be in for even worse news. According to knowlegable sources, a national magazine and a national

Who is behind all those Untraceable Credit Cards?


Who Am I?

Explosión en el South West de Miami

Una vez más la vida real, emulando a la más vívida ficción sorprende a vecinos de la zona del suroeste del condado Miami-Dade cuando una explosión levanta el techo de una casa (exactamente como en las películas). Al parecer no hay heridos, mientras testigos presenciales dicen haber visto varias personas salir corriendo de la casa.

Se sabe además que los inquilinos de la vivienda afectada no pagaban la mayor parte de la electricidad consumida en ella. Los vapores liberados en la explosión no habian permitido el acceso a la misma de los investigadores, aunque de forma preliminar se manifestó la sospecha de que el fuerte olor era producto del cultivo de plantas para uso personal.

La noticia Aquí

Uribe Tiene Razon

El ex- mandatario Colombiano Alvaro Uribe advierte del grave peligro que se cierne sobre Colombia con el acuerdo de Paz.

Las puertas se abriran para el Castro-Chavismo. Acabar con el conflicto es una meta deseable para todos; el precio puede

resultar tan alto como la propia guerra.

“Lea mas en CafeFuerte”