Zarifa Ghafari is now just waiting.

Credit: i newspaper (@theipaper) Twitter.

“I’m sitting here waiting for them to come. There is no one to help me or my family. I’m just sitting with them and my husband. And they will come for people like me and kill me. I can’t leave my family. And anyway, where would I go?”

Anonymous slam corporation.

The international hacking outfit “Anonymous” has apparently decided to insert itself in more mundane matters than ever before when their only motivations were to influence a particularly political subject. Now, apart from being purposely vague, they don’t identify the main role character (the company) but instead, issue a warning and a deadline to comply with demands that are also not clear. Judge for yourself, this Anonymous chapter is bending their own rules with a very specific, almost laser picked a target.

Your daughter gets married!

The title is intended to shock you into reality… 

Is that her? No.  Even if you’re an apologist, a bleeding heart liberal (except when it affects you directly) or some kind of nutjob, you’re now relieved this is not happening around you, therefore there is no possibility this girl or any other one that goes through the same situation every day, is your daughter or someone remotely related to you…. but what about them? Don’t they matter?

The bottom line for me is. It’s retrograde, it’s unfair, it’s sick. This is not a culture thing. It’s abuse.