No Son Buenos Dias.

“MIAMI, Estados Unidos.- Cinco minutos antes que comenzara el Noticiero de la Television Cubana (NTV) en su transmisión de la 1:00 p.m. de este lunes, la señal salió al aire dejando al descubierto una discusión de

Prohibicion en Cuba
No son buenos dias

los locutores.

Sin percatarse de que la transmisión ya había comenzado, los locutores Froilán Arencibia y Mariuska Díaz, debatieron sobre la prohibición de comenzar el noticiero con la frase “buenas tardes” o “saludos, amigos”. Expresando su descontento con la censura, tildan de “grosería” hacia el público la orden de no saludar como se hace habitualmente…”

Read More from Cubanet here Continue reading “No Son Buenos Dias.”

crowderAre You Being Manipulated By The Main Stream Media?

If you know anything about history this is no surprise.  Amazing what the control of the MSM can do to the minds of so many; by just repeating one idea they make it the accepted truth while it serves to hide the real one.


Echo Dot? What does it do?echo-dot

The new Echo dot (2nd Generation) will be released October 20. Some of us were waiting for this improved version of it. What it doesn’t do is a better question. It listen to you to play from your preferred source of music, be it Pandora, I heart Radio, etc. it’s capable of controlling devices around the home, it calls Uber or Domino’s for you. No it doesn’t follow you around but it listen from across the room no matter the noise.

Echo dot 2 makes for a beautiful and interesting gift and can be pre-ordered at a special price today. Don’t miss it!