That explains it. For me too.


As many of my peers out there I happen to be the “computer” guy in my family and friends circle, there are of course different levels of dependency among this crew but since I work, eat and breath computers they always assume I am up to date with the last piece of technology or the last software. Many a times I have been asked the same question; Why is it my newly installed Hard Drive of 250 Gb says it’s only 237 Gb? where did all my other Gigabytes go?. To my credit I have always explained something similar to the truth, but not quite. So it is my pleasure to find this explanation and pass it on, and by doing it I get the double benefit of setting a reference point for the future inquirers and a place of mine to send them to. It proves me right by the way….. so I gain again.


Tech Mysteries: How Did My Hard Drive Shrink? | Law Technology www.lawtechnologytoday.org11/5/12

Some hard drives today, particularly external drives marketed as backup devices, ship pre-loaded with special software ostensibly designed to make backing up your computer easier. Depending on your practice and your

external hard drive

Not the economy after all.. but revenge.

It might be weird to you or me, but considering the past 4 years, the path to things unknown to the american people, it is somehow evident that economy, freedom and the constitution are taking a back seat to abortion rights, free contraceptives, open borders and the Obamaphones, sad , but true. What exactly is celebrating the winner’s block today escape my reasoning. I know, it is impossible for me to role play as a liberal. The closest thing I can come up with is a victory at the monopoly game….. you have all the monopoly money but in reality….. you have nothing.

“Obama Wins Reelection With Highest Unemployment Rate

 Of Any President Since FDR”

-Huffington Post-

Read the Huffington Post article here

Obama Faces Voters With Highest Unemployment Of Any Incumbent cleveland.cbslocal.com11/2/12

Obama will face voters with the highest unemployment rate of any incumbent since Franklin Roosevelt. Still, the jobs report alone is unlikely to sway voters. Few if any remain undecided and they have shown throughout the


Windows Phone 8 has things “you won’t find on iPhone or Android” – Microsoft CEO-

After more than a year of the announcement made in conjunction by Microsoft and Nokia about the intention to “disrupt mobile echo-systems” by having Nokia to innovate on top of the Windows platform on areas such as imaging (Nokia being an expert on the field), the partnership has continued to progress with the immediate and definite goal of competing with IPhone and Android and hopefully capture a big chunk of the Smartphone and Tablet marketshare. Testing has started…

Microsoft Testing Smartphone with Component Suppliers Says WSJ
www.iphoneincanada.ca11/2/12According to the Wall Street Journal, Microsoft continues its new goal to start making its own hardware like Apple, and is testing smartphone designs with its
Phone Dial

Who has all those answers?

The Armed Services Chairman speaks up and denounces The Benghazi Cover Up and the Muzzling of Military Leaders, but the main venues in the press pay no attention. A Cover Up in itself to protect the White House.

The meaning of free press gets lost when the press decides not to be free.

Armed Services Chairman Denounces White House Benghazi blog.heritage.org11/4/12

President Obama should come clean with the American people about what exactly happened in Benghazi, according to the Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Representative Buck McKeon (R-CA). Resources. Budget Chart Book · Index of Economic Freedom · Issues 2010 · Policy Experts · Social Security Calculator · Thatcher Center. Resize: A; A; A. Donate · The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation
