Data Plan Holding You Down?

Data loss angry customerIf you don’t want to be taken by surprise at the end of the month because of your data overspending while you have no idea where it comes from…. heed the message, there is after all some things you can do. Of course, this is a very targeted post, it goes to the many that need to opt for a far from unlimited data plan. The others probably have better things to do than read tips to save on phone data consumption.
Popular phones from all platforms come already loaded with applications that connect permanently to the internet, running in the background where you usually are not seeing them, although many of us don’t realize all that monitoring of this and that, notifying of such and such are actually depleting our megabytes; Then, we add many more applications of our preference and there we go, we don’t know how it’s happening!

“Help” is coming;

Try to keep track of your data usage. find out which applications are the big spenders. Streaming video applications for example, are responsible for much of data loss. Social networks have developed the ability to save your pictures in the cloud, for doing so, they spent your data too. Siri and Google Now, also use your data connection every time you request an answer from them, (yeah, keep asking Siri what’s she wearing).
This is a list of some top data hogs found in a popular carrier website:

• Downloading Video Files Or Watching Streaming Video (Netflix, YouTube, Hulu)
• Automatic Updates For Applications
• Emails With Large Attachments
• Voice Assistants (Siri, Google Now, Tell me, etc)
• Automatic Pictures Uploads (All social networks using cloud)
• Syncing
• Listening To Streaming Audio

What you should do:

Your phone already has the capability of connecting to the internet every time it is available. Keep it on.
Make use of WiFi, either at home or through Public WiFi Networks such as AT&T and Xfinity, (if you have the service) or the free access you can find in many places like Mc Donalds, Starbucks, etc.
Turn off auto updates or change settings to update over WiFi only; do the same for auto photo uploading.
Turn off push notifications “as items arrive”, set Email sync for one hour or more. Use data management applications that allow you to keep track of data usage. And last but not least, browse mobile websites, they contain much less data than regular websites.

Delay of ITunes 11 for the better.

Many have been waiting for the release of the new, totally overhauled Itunes 11;  for the fan crowd it is comparable to the anxiety that a new Iphone version creates. But there are good news, the delay is the consequence of striving for superior quality, the fine tuning of some features will be as usual really appreciated in the final product and Apple has already signaled the launch is within days. Some label artists received word to prepare their representation’s  artwork for the new Music Store Layout.  The product will have a brand new interface.


Artists Being Asked to Prepare for iTunes 11 Launch in “Next Days www.macrumors.com11/21/12

According to a post on the MacRumors Forums, Apple is asking record labels to submit pictures and galleries of their artists to iTunesfor use in…

That explains it. For me too.


As many of my peers out there I happen to be the “computer” guy in my family and friends circle, there are of course different levels of dependency among this crew but since I work, eat and breath computers they always assume I am up to date with the last piece of technology or the last software. Many a times I have been asked the same question; Why is it my newly installed Hard Drive of 250 Gb says it’s only 237 Gb? where did all my other Gigabytes go?. To my credit I have always explained something similar to the truth, but not quite. So it is my pleasure to find this explanation and pass it on, and by doing it I get the double benefit of setting a reference point for the future inquirers and a place of mine to send them to. It proves me right by the way….. so I gain again.


Tech Mysteries: How Did My Hard Drive Shrink? | Law Technology www.lawtechnologytoday.org11/5/12

Some hard drives today, particularly external drives marketed as backup devices, ship pre-loaded with special software ostensibly designed to make backing up your computer easier. Depending on your practice and your

external hard drive

Windows Phone 8 has things “you won’t find on iPhone or Android” – Microsoft CEO-

After more than a year of the announcement made in conjunction by Microsoft and Nokia about the intention to “disrupt mobile echo-systems” by having Nokia to innovate on top of the Windows platform on areas such as imaging (Nokia being an expert on the field), the partnership has continued to progress with the immediate and definite goal of competing with IPhone and Android and hopefully capture a big chunk of the Smartphone and Tablet marketshare. Testing has started…

Microsoft Testing Smartphone with Component Suppliers Says WSJ
www.iphoneincanada.ca11/2/12According to the Wall Street Journal, Microsoft continues its new goal to start making its own hardware like Apple, and is testing smartphone designs with its
Phone Dial